Wednesday, October 29, 2008

More Love than You Thought Possible

I've met a lot of nice bird lovers online since I started blogging. I want to give you a link to the most interesting and unusual approach to wild birds that I've ever seen:

My husband and I have named the birds who regularly come to our feeder, often learning to recognize them from a handicap like a missing or deformed limb. One such friend is Chester, a house sparrow who has regularly come to our feeder over the past four years. There are others that we raised as orphaned babies, but we can no longer tell apart from the rest.

The Australian couple, Ron and Gitie House, who write go one step further and make the acquaintance of entire families of birds, and I thought you'd enjoy visiting their website. There are some gorgeous pictures and heart-warming stories there.

Read more about the beautiful birds in Australia and how this couple relates to them.

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